Official Club Rules

The Board Lords is an exclusive club in which members a.k.a. board lords explore and play modern tabletop board and card games.

Regular Season

The Regular Season is defined as all of the game nights played between board lords from January to November. Meetings are typically held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday evening of each month (Exception: December).  If 2 or more members are unable to attend a meeting, a rescheduling attempt may occur. 

Each game night, 1 game will be selected as the “Trophy Game”. Each member will earn points according to their final place in the trophy game.

1st Place receives 5 points

2nd Place receives 3 points

3rd Place receives 1 point

The person who wins first place in the “Trophy Game” shall receive/retain the traveling trophy until the next scheduled game night as well as receive 5 points.  Second place receives 3 points and third place receives 1 point. In the event of a tie, points will be added together and divided equally by the amount of tied players, rounded up. 

A minimum of 3 board lords must be present for points to be awarded. Occasionally, there is the possibility to play more than 1 game during a game night. Additional games will not count towards points in the overall standings.

The person who places first in the “Trophy Game” is encouraged to take the trophy home with them but must ensure the traveling trophy is returned to the gaming site by the next scheduled game night.  Failure to return the trophy on time risks possible point deductions as deemed appropriate by the other board lords. 


The “Lord of the Board” is the winner of the Championship Game, which is an event hosted in December at the end of each year following the regular season of gaming.  The “Lord of the Board” crowned in December receives the championship belt, winter championship ring, trophy, and full bragging rights.

The Regular Season Point Leader is the person with the most overall points at the end of the regular season (January - November). Tie Breaker: In the event of a tie for points, whoever has the most 1st place finishes wins. If still tied, the most 2nd place finishes wins. If still tied, the most 3rd place finishes wins. If still tied, the winner will be determined by a rock paper scissors duel.

The regular season point leader will propose a list of 3 (minimum) to 5 (maximum) board games to all members at the end of the regular season. Each game on the proposed list must support a minimum of 5 players.

The proposed list of 3-5 board games will be voted on by all members in November and the game that receives the most votes will serve as the Championship game in December.  In the event of a tie, the regular season point leader will resolve the tie.

Summer Slam

The “Lord of the Board” is required to defend their title or vacate in June of the following year.  This event in June, hereinafter referred to as “Summer Slam”, will occur approximately 6 months after the Lord of the Board has been crowned.

During Summer Slam, the current “Lord of the Board” alone will choose and select 1 board game to defend their title. The game will be selected and announced in May and must support a minimum of 5 players. 

The winner of the game in Summer Slam in June will be crowned the “Lord of the Board” and receives/retains the championship belt, summer championship ring, trophy, and full bragging rights. The winner of the Summer Slam event is obligated to defend their title or vacate in the Championship game in December of the same year.

*There is the possibility of tournaments and other events throughout the year that could modify the aforementioned rule set but require unanimous consensus among all board lords if changes are to be made.